Ella Baché Clinic

Ella Baché Clinic available at our centre.

Ella Baché Australia is a proud family-run business created by Madame Baché in Paris in 1936 – a revolutionary cosmetic chemist who believed just as we are genetically different, the same holds true of our skin.

Her skincare philosophy was based on the belief that because “no two skins are alike”, every client’s skin is uniquely individual.

Visit the Ella Baché Sale website for a full service and price list.

Our Services

Clinic Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday- 9 am to 5:00 pm.


Referrals accepted from GPs or specialists.




(03) 8732 0292

Have a question or like to request an appointment?

To request an appointment please get in touch with our friendly team. For referrers please see our information for referrers.