
Our skilled gynaecological team will take care of your concerns in a sensitive and respectful manner.

We believe in clear, open communication and encourage you to raise all concerns during our consultation. We understand that many gynaecological problems can cause pain, discomfort, stress, impact fertility or reduce quality of life.

There may be a variety of treatment options to be considered depending on your stage in life and future plans. We will listen to your individual needs and situation and give provide an assessment that is based on the latest clinical evidence and that is empathetic to your situation.

Treating all typical gynaecological conditions

Downloads & Documents

Bladder Diary

Heavy Period

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain Assessment

Clinic Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday- 9 am to 5:00 pm.


Referrals accepted from GPs or specialists.



(03) 8732 0292

Have a question or like to request an appointment?

To request an appointment please get in touch with our friendly team. For referrers please see our information for referrers.