Mole Mapping and Skin Checking

Our mission is to help you keep your skin healthy and detect any potential skin cancer early.

First time Artificial Intelligence enabled technology to map and monitor your skin is now available in Gippsland region. Gippsland Specialist Clinic will provide a complete solution for your skin from early detection to biopsy and treatment for pigmented skin lesions.

Services include.

How to Book an Appointment

Booking an appointment with our mole mapping service is easy. Simply give us a call at 03 41414239 or complete the self-referral online form. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you schedule a convenient appointment time.

Workflow for Mole Mapping

Book an appointment with the mole mapping clinic either by phone or completing an online form along with filling out a health history form.
Check in with the front desk staff on the day of appointment.
The high-resolution photos of who body and dermoscopic images of each mole will be taken and recording detailed information about their size, shape, and colour or any change thereof will be made. Dermatologist will analyse the whole-body photography and dermoscopy images using AI enabled technology.
Report will be provided with detailed outcome and recommendation. If any further action such as biopsy and excision required, appointment will be provided.
Depending on the risk factors and the results of the initial mapping, the clinician may recommend regular follow-up appointments to monitor any changes in the skin. This could include additional mole mapping, as well as visual examinations and further testing if necessary.
If a suspicious mole is detected during the mapping process, further testing such as biopsy or treatment such as surgical removal of the mole, may be considered and arranged. If a suspicious mole is detected during the mapping process, further testing such as biopsy or treatment such as surgical removal of the mole may be considered and arranged by Gippsland Specialist Clinic.
Dermatologist will provide a specific recommendation on how to monitor skin and reduce risk of skin cancer including recommendations for sun protection, lifestyle changes, and regular self-examinations.
The mole mapping clinic will keep detailed records of each patient’s skin mapping, including photos and other diagnostic data. This information will securely be stored and used to monitor the patient’s skin over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Workflow for Mole Mapping

Frequently asked questions about Mole Mapping.

Total full body photography is a technique of making a record of the entire body surface and the positions of individual moles or lesions. A body mole map allows for the ability to compare current and past photographs of moles on the body with photographs taken in the future.
Mole mapping is recommended for individuals with a history of skin cancer or those at high risk due to factors such as fair skin, a family history of skin cancer, or a large number of moles.
Mole mapping utilises latest and most sophisticated Artificial Intelligence- enabled digital mole mapping software. The mole map procedure itself is non-invasive. A person will be asked to undress to their underwear (underwear and bra for women). Sequential photographs of every section of the body then begins under the control of the operator. In addition to storing photographs, our software provides inbuilt tools that compares any minor changes detected in the future mapping.
Mole mapping can take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
No, mole mapping is a non-invasive and painless procedure. The clinician will simply take photographs of your moles using specialized imaging technology.
The frequency of mole mapping appointments will depend on your individual risk factors and the results of your initial mapping. Your clinician will advise you on how often you should return for follow-up appointments.
Yes, you will likely be asked to remove your clothing down to your underwear in order to allow for a thorough examination of your skin.
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, making early detection of melanoma essential. Melanoma or another form of skin cancer may develop very slowly without presenting any symptoms or obvious signs of drastic change at the early stage.  Mole mapping can greatly improve the chances of detection at the earliest possible opportunity.
If a suspicious mole is detected during the mapping process, you may be offered for further testing and treatment at the GSC. This could include a biopsy or surgical removal of the mole. Gippsland Specialist Clinic will provide a complete solution from mole mapping to biopsy and curative surgery.
While mole mapping cannot prevent skin cancer, it can help to detect potential skin cancer early, when it is most treatable. Regular mole mapping appointments can help to monitor any changes in your skin and catch skin cancer at an early stage.
At GSC mole mapping may be performed along with the full body skin cancer check.  We offer special promotional prices on a regular basis. Whole body complete mole mapping along with dermatologist report will cost $299.00.

Preparing for Mole Mapping

Preparing for a mole mapping appointment is relatively simple, but it is important to follow a few guidelines to ensure the best possible results. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a mole mapping appointment at the GSC:

Avoid sun exposure as much as possible in the days leading up to your appointment. This will help to ensure that your skin is not sunburned or tanned, which can interfere with the mapping process.
No laser therapy or LED for the last 4 weeks
On the day of your appointment, wear loose, comfortable clothing that can easily be removed or adjusted to allow for a thorough skin examination.
If you wear makeup, remove it before your appointment. This will allow the clinician to get a clear view of your skin and any moles or other marks.
Avoid applying any creams or lotions to your skin on the day of your appointment. This includes moisturizers, sunscreen, and other skincare products. These can interfere with the mapping process and make it more difficult to get accurate results.
If you are taking any medications, bring a list of them to your appointment. This will help the clinician to better understand your medical history and any potential risk factors.
Before your appointment, prepare a list of questions or concerns you have about your skin or the mole mapping process. This will help you to get the most out of your appointment and ensure that all your concerns are addressed.

Is mole mapping get covered by Medicare?

Unfortunately, Mole mapping does not get covered by Medicare.

Many private health funds in Australia offer coverage for skin cancer screenings, including mole mapping. However, the specific coverage and benefits can vary depending on the health fund and the policy. It’s best to contact your private health fund directly to find out if they offer coverage for mole mapping and what the specific terms and benefits are under your policy.

Some private health funds that may offer coverage for mole mapping and skin cancer screenings

it's important to check with your private health fund directly to determine if mole mapping is covered under your policy and what the specific benefits and limitations are. An invoice will be provided at the end of the procedure which will be required to submit to the health fund for claiming.